Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednsday Afternoon Pictures

Skeet Shooting done right!

Canoeing Merit Badge class students learning how to do without canoes.

Swimming Merit Badge students get to swim in the clean water. They haven't graduated to doing without canoes yet.

Council Scout Executive, Michael Hartigan and Camp Director, Don Lajoie preparing for the pool dedication ceremony.
Council President, Gary Colberg speaking at the pool dedication.

Wednsday Morning Pictures

After a cool night and good sleep the boys ate ham, egg and cheese biscuits and went right to the correct classes..... I mean the Trading Post :)

Below are the three very, very, mature and responsible adults that you sent your boys to camp with.
Michael Alan Ray (No Prior Convictions)
Brad Langley (Acquitted)
Robin Davenport-Ray (Controlled on Medication)
This is an example of the excellent nutrition available at Tolochee

Air Conditioning is not the reason the boys want to hang out at the Trading Post! Meet Mrs. Christina!Shark Patrol @ Archery. The merry men are pretty good at this.

Archery Director, Matt Benasuly
Uncle Michael (Munkey Ichel)
Tillman, a favorite Archery and Shotgun Instructor

Sam wanted his stitches removal preserved for posterity. It also enterained the troop quite well.

More to come this evening. ;)